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Chord Pairs
Below is a list of all possible chord pairs from the triads of the keys of C, A, G, E and D. The underlined pairs link to play along drill videos. Additionally, the common hinge chord pairs are included. Please note that all pairs are not only listed alphabetically, but individually ordered alphabetically as well. (For example, G - Em would be under Em - G, since E comes before G in the alphabet.)
This page is under construction, and missing videos will be added steadily over the next few weeks until they are all complete. Thank you for your patience!
A - B
Am - Bdim
Am - F
B - F#m
Bdim - G
Bm - Em
C#dim - Em
C#m - F#m
Dm - F
Em - F#dim
F#m - G
A - Bm
Am - Bm
Am - F#dim
B - G#m
Bm - C
Bm - F#dim
C#dim - F#m
C#m - G#dim
D - G#m
Em - F#m
F#m - G#dim
A - C#dim
Bdim - C
Bm - C#dim
Bm - F#m
C - F
C#dim - G
C#m - G#m
D#dim - E
E - F#m
F#m - G#m
A - C#m
B - C#m
Bdim - Dm
Bm - C#m
Bm - G
C - F#dim
C#m - D
D - F#dim
D#dim - F#m
E - G#dim
A - G#dim
B - D#dim
Bdim - Em
Bm - G#dim
C#m - D#dim
D - F#m
D#dim - G#m
E - G#m
F - G
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